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Hi! I'm Nikki

I am your normal, on-the-run mom, rushing kids to all the practices and games of all sorts. I take pride in my transparency with my own journey and always make it a point to continue learning and improving on all aspects of healthy lifestyles.  In my experiences since the launch of NH Fitness in 2020, I have been fortunate to learn from highly respected registered dieticians, other trainers, and professors of exercise science as well. I currently hold a certification as a Precision Nutrition Level-1 Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Nutrition coach and am able to help make educated suggestions for you based on your goals.

Coach + Owner of NH Fitness | NASM Certifies Personal Trainer | NASM Certified Nutrition Coach | NASM Women's Health | NASM Youth Exercise | Precision Nutrition Level-1 Coach | 1st Phorm - Sponsored Athlete 

Meet the nh fitness team

I am 31 years old and live in Ankeny, Iowa, with my Husband, four kids, and our dog. We love to travel, go to the beach, cheer on the Iowa State Cyclones, eat at Mexican restaurants, and enjoy a good margarita! I have been a member of Nikki's FitFam Facebook group for 5 years and have been working with Nikki as my coach for 4 years. I have always said exercise is my medicine. I have struggled with gut issues and anxiety and found that exercise has helped both of these issues SO MUCH! Working out is nonnegotiable for me every single day. In order for me to feel my best and be my best self, I need to get some sort of movement in every day, no matter what. I LOVE learning about nutrition and how to properly fuel my body. Before I started working with Nikki, I knew nothing about nutrition. I would run 40+ miles every week and only ate saltines crackers, popcorn, chips, and salsa. I joined Nikki's Facebook group, sat back, watched for a year, and soaked up all of her helpful tips and advice. I was always so interested and fascinated with everything Nikki would talk about. After a year, I decided to work directly with Nikki as my coach. I was amazed that Nikki was having me eat so much food, and I was still seeing so much progress.  Needless to say, I now eat a lot more protein but still enjoy my chips & salsa, popcorn, and saltines in moderation 🙂 Nikki has healed my relationship with food and taught me how to live a lifestyle where I can reach my goals and still enjoy all of the food and a good margarita! 

I have always had a passion for exercise and learning all about fitness and nutrition. Growing up, I was always involved in sports, played college volleyball, and continued to play city league sports.  For 8 years, I was an administrative assistant and loved working with people, preparing documents, managing accounts, and keeping things organized.  When the opportunity came to work for Nikki as her assistant, it was my dream job. I combined my passion for fitness and nutrition and applied my skills as an administrative assistant all in one! After working with Nikki as my coach for 3 years and getting to know her, I knew I would love to be a part of NH Fitness. She has something about her that lights a fire under you, whether she is talking about something fitness and nutrition-related or just everyday life. She is passionate and ready to grow and change so many people's lives, and I knew I wanted to be a part of that growth with her! She has changed my life and I am honored that I get to be a part of NH Fitness and play a small role in helping her reach as many people as we can and changing their lives as well.

Hey, I'm Kinzie...

McKinzi Bunning

I'm married to the most amazing man (coming up on 12 years) and mom to two boys (Greg, 10, and Cody, 7). We live in Chico, CA, where we farm, teach, and chase our boys' busy schedules. We love this season of life.

I've been working with Nikki for 5 years. I found her through a friend who posted a challenge in her story. We quickly found we have WAY too much in common. She has become my long-lost sister from the Midwest.

As a former high school and college athlete, I have always been active, but I can confidently say  I am the healthiest, strongest, and happiest I've ever been, both physically and mentally. If I could go back in time and know then what I know now about fueling the body to perform I would! My journey has had ups and downs and all arounds! I have chased numbers on the scale and pant sizes, but I find I am happiest when I am fueling my body with whole foods, resistance training in my garage (thank you, COVID and my dumbbells; I truly love my garage), and long walks!

Each day has its twists and turns, but I always find myself coming back to how I feel. You can't build a house with rotten boards, and your body won't perform without a solid foundation!

I am most excited to help you all feel your best in your own journey and incorporate healthy living as a lifestyle!

Hi all, my name is jenna...

Jenna Juanarena

I live in Eleva, WI, with my three crazy kiddos: Micah, age 16, Max, age 15, and Maiya, age 9. I have been on a health and wellness journey of my own for over 8 years. When my daughter was just over a year old, I decided enough was enough, and I wanted to take control and feel good about not only how I looked but also how I felt. At that point, I did what everyone does—endless cardio and calorie restriction.

I lost the weight only to gain a lot of it back, and even at my lowest weight, my mental health wasn't in a place of strength. I didn't feel the way I thought, seeing that goal weight on the scale. For me, working out came easy but I was completely clueless when it came to the nutrition side of things.

I found Nikki when a friend of mine shared one of her recipes on Facebook, so I joined her group and was very quickly intrigued by the idea of counting macros. It seemed too good to be true...... I could eat all the foods I love and not have to give up any food groups!?! That was what sold me!

Learning how to navigate the highs and lows mentally throughout this process has been what I am most proud of. As a people pleaser, leaning to say "no" to things that no longer serve my long-term goals has been huge! It has been an amazing journey learning how to make this a lifestyle vs. a quick fix.

The thing I love the most is helping other people realize that age is just a number and it doesn't matter what curveballs are thrown your way. It's never too late to become the best version of yourself. What has also been rewarding for me is my kids seeing me work out and eat a healthy and balanced diet. They also have learned the importance of moving their bodies and proper nutrition. It's become a lifestyle in our home. 

I cannot wait to continue this ripple that Nikki has started here.

Hey all! my name is jamie...


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get out of your own damn way.

I'm down 40 pounds, and countless inches. I have gained so much muscle, strength, and confidence. How did I do it?  Hard work and dedication! No special drinks, magic pills or fad diets. I fill my body with healthy foods everyday. I count macros based off of my goals and I workout twice a day, 45 minute walk in the morning and 45 minutes of strength training everyday.  I get up extra early and I make time for myself. I literally could not have figured this lifestyle out without help from one of my closest friends Nikki Harris!  I was big on meal replacing and not eating in order to lose the weight. Totally not healthy. I sat in the back and watched in her group as she gained amazing results and helped countless others gain those results as well, doing the exact thing she was asking of me.  So when I decided I had nothing to lose I gave it a try and now I don't know why I didn't start sooner.  If you are looking for an amazing community of support with like minded people you need to reach out to her. Be ready to work though, you only get out what you put in. There is no B.S. with Nikki. She will support you in every aspect of the journey, good and bad days, as long as you are willing to do the work and do it honestly.  

Lizz U.

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